During the morning session the track evolved a lot as the dust and sand cleared from the circuit. It is obvious that this is regularly the case here. My first run started quite well as I set about learning the circuit, and also gaining valuable time own the tyres. Not long after my first new set run, unfortunately I suffered a loss of power and had to stop on the track. This also meant quite a lengthy trip back to the pits.

After the issue was resolved, I was able to get back out and really enjoying the track. A red flag took a little more time, but then we were able to finish the session on my second new set of tyres and I was pleased to improve by a good margin on the first set.
In the afternoon session after only a few laps, unfortunately we had another power failure causing me to stop on track. This time the issue took a little longer to resolve, however once again we were successful in doing so.
After losing time, I was pleased that we could make up for it with a really good long race run on used tyres. This was great to experience, and I was happy with how it went.

We intended to finish the session with a simulated qualifying run, however a late red flag just as I was starting my first flying lap on new tyres meant that we had just over 3 mins at the end to get one single lap in. Coming straight out of the pits to start the lap meant that the brakes were colder than ideal for that lap, but I put together a decent lap knowing that we have more to come.
All up a good solid first day where we have dealt with some challenges and maximized the opportunity. Thank you to my Engineer Mihai and all of the fantastic team at Jenzer Motorsport.
Very much looking forward to tomorrow.