Photo: Fotospeedy
Two practice sessions today at Circuit de Catalunya in Barcelona, and only 40 mins each, so as always a need to be focused on our own plan for preparations for the weekend to maximise the opportunity.
Free practice 1 the focus was mainly on building on the areas we had identified to gain in my driving, along with some refining of the car. We were extremely pleased with the gains we made, pushing quicker on used tyres than I had yesterday in our limited new tyre runs (tyres in Friday practice must be used from previous rounds or the event allocation of 4 sets in total).

Photo: Fotospeedy
Due to quite a bit of rain being forecast for tomorrow, a number of teams used at least one of their new tyre allocation for the weekend today, and particularly in the second session. We decided to stick to our own plan and run another race run in Free practice 2 on used. Again this went very well and we were pleased with the pace and consistency of the car given we effectively run the one set of used for the session.

Photo: Fotospeedy
I am happy with the preparation of both myself and the team, and we look forward to the weekend. Heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow, so we will see what the conditions bring!

Photo: Fotospeedy

Photo: Fotospeedy

Photo: Fotospeedy